Music, Memory & Emotion

Memory problems can occur in people of all ages. Usually, they are associated with progressing age. Scientific research has confirmed that music is potentially one of the most effective tools we have to stimulate the brain to restore its cognitive function. SANOSON’s team includes pioneers involved in music effect research and therapeutic program development for more than two decades.

Based on the results of clinical trials, SANOSON’s new MUSIC&MEMORY program consists of specifically composed  music works designed to enhance and maintain good memory and cognitive function of the aging brain.


The term dementia is a generic term for several diseases, summarizing a number of symptoms caused by different diseases of the brain which can affect cognitive performance and may lead to the decline of brain function in various ways. Primarily affected are memory, thinking, language, motor skills, orientation, decision and judgment and in some cases also the personality. Changes in the emotional control, the emotional state, social behavior, or motivation may be symptomatic concomitants.

According to the criteria of the International Classification System of the World Health Organization (ICD-10) for a diagnosis of dementia, the symptoms must have been present for at least six months. The onset is usually insidious. Although the elderly are often affected by dementia, it is still not part of normal aging.

With 60-80% Alzheimer is the most common form of dementia, followed by vascular dementia with about 20%, which is caused by blood flow disturbances in the brain – often after a stroke. However, other shapes such as e.g. the Lewy Körperchen- dementia , the Frontotemporal Dementia (Pick’s disease, which is characterized by personality changes, or mixed forms are possible.

Difficulty with short-term and long-term memory can but not necessarily lead to the conclusion that there is a dementia. Symptoms of dementia may be other underlying causes, such as, inter alia, Depression, delirium, age-related forgetfulness, or even dehydration. Especially depression, which is the most common mental illness in old age in addition to dementia creates the impression of a dementing condition image by the apparent cognitive decline and is therefore referred to as „pseudo-dementia“. In contrast to dementia, memory problems vanish with the release of the depression again.

What We Offer

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Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante.

Lorem Upsum

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam justo et nibh venenatis aliquet. Morbi mollis mollis pellentesque. Aenean vitae erat velit. Maecenas urna sapien, dignissim a augue vitae, porttitor luctus urna. Morbi scelerisque semper congue. Donec vitae congue quam. Pellentesque convallis est a eros porta, ut porttitor magna convallis.

Donec quis felis imperdiet, vestibulum est ut, pulvinar dolor. Mauris laoreet varius sem, tempus congue nibh elementum facilisis. Aliquam ut odio risus. Mauris consectetur mi et ante aliquam, eget posuere urna semper. Vestibulum vestibulum rhoncus enim, id iaculis eros commodo non.

What kind of clients do you work with?
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What is your turn around time?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam justo et nibh venenatis aliquet. Morbi mollis mollis pellentesque. Aenean vitae erat velit. Maecenas urna sapien, dignissim a augue vitae, porttitor luctus urna.
Do you have an affiliate program?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam justo et nibh venenatis aliquet. Morbi mollis mollis pellentesque. Aenean vitae erat velit. Maecenas urna sapien, dignissim a augue vitae, porttitor luctus urna.

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc. Etiam adipiscing enim sed condimentum ultrices. Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt qu Lorem Ipsum

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc. Etiam adipiscing enim sed condimentum ultrices. Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt qu Lorem Ipsum

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc. Etiam adipiscing enim sed condimentum ultrices. Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt qu Lorem Ipsum

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