Music as a „clock“ for the body and brain

A high degree of adaptability, the „variability“ of our body rhythms is an important key to a holistic view of our health. It says something about our vitality and the reserves which we can rely to when major efforts need to be overcome. Heart and brain are thereby closely related. Using psychophysiological measurement methods and deep psychological research the audio therapy method has been developed that can help keep our brains with especially composed music „intact”. It also helps to bring the body and brain back into a healthy balance after long periods of great tension.

Chronobiology is the science that deals with the biological processes that take place time dependent. With its help a number of issues that contribute to the effects of music on people can be explained. All processes in our bodies run periodically, ie at regular intervals – from cell division over to the heartbeat, from breathing to the life cycle of a hair. Even in our daily activities, we constantly follow rhythms that are repeated in certain periods of time – ideally effort and rest periods alternate. If one examines how both mutually affect one another, is becomes clear: The deeper the relaxation in the resting phase, the more efficient we are when being active again. But relaxation alone is not a panacea; what matters is the right balance of rest and activity. Just as a physical fitness program brings lasting success only when properly dosed and slowly increased intensity, it is also in the stimulation with music about the right dose at the right time.